While conducting research with the goal of crafting an e-commerce website for an Instagram business, I discovered their customers wanted to learn more about plants and propagation- revealing an opportunity to expand their customer base
1.Design Challenge
Team Individual working with client
Project Type Creating an e-commerce prototype from an Instagram only-business
Timeline August 2021-present
2.Client Interview
They would like to one day expand their business by selling their products on an e-commerce website
No strict deadline yet
6 months to 1 year
3.Getting to know the business ;
Selling Propagation stations on Instagram
The Village
The Symington
The Grant
The Gibraltar
The Assiniboine
An assortment of stations
Up Next…
4.Competitor Research
In an effort to understand e-commerce sites better that sell propagation stations and plants, I explored 3 websites…
5.Heuristic Evaluation
6.Customer Survey
I thoroughly prepared a survey to get to know ProPEGate’s customers better
I inputted the questions into Typeform software and sent it to the client to send to as many of their customers as possible
Using the answers provided, I was able to create a Persona
Next…High Fidelity Landing Page
7.First Iteration
Simple and Clean.
I took in all of the customer feedback and created the first rendition of the landing page. Click the button below to see the prototype
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Customer surveys revealed a new way to expand their customer base as we crafted their Instagram business to an e-commerce website